General Knowledge MCQ Set 34
Showing question 166 to 170 of total 429 MCQs
MCQ Set: 34
Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.
Question No: 166
Soil acidity is generally corrected by
- proper irrigation
- adding sodium hydroxide
- liming
- application of fertilizers
Answer and Explanation
Answer: C
Not available
Question No: 167
Oscar Awards were instituted in
- 1968
- 1929
- 1901
- 1965
Answer and Explanation
Answer: B
Not available
Question No: 168
Small amounts of iodine are necessary in our diet to
- prevent pellagra
- compensate for underactive the thyroid gland
- stimulate clotting of blood
- stimulate pituitary gland
Answer and Explanation
Answer: B
Not available
Question No: 169
Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service is an International Airline of
- Afghanistan
- Belgium
- East Africa
- Australia
Answer and Explanation
Answer: D
Not available
Question No: 170
Shaurya Chakra made up of bronze is awarded for
- gallantry otherwise than in the face of the enemy
- most conspicuous bravery for some act of self sacrifice
- gallantry in the presence of enemy
- None of the above
Answer and Explanation
Answer: A
Not available