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Meaning: A vagrant is someone who is homeless and poor and may wander from place to place. Example: While leading this vagrant and miserable life, John fell in love. Synonyms: Transient, Drifter, Wanderer, Floater Antonyms: Static, Immobile, Motionless, Still
Meaning: An orifice is an opening, especially an opening to the body or the opening of a tube or pipe. Example: It avoids exploding by releasing its excess gas through vent orifices Synonyms: avity, Crack, Hole, Aperture, Slit Antonyms: Closure
Meaning: A scourge is someone or something that causes a lot of trouble, problems or suffering. Example: You must confront a scourge of corruption. Synonyms: Curse, Terror, Plague, Torment, Bane Antonyms: Advantage, Reward, Benefit, Boon, Delight
Meaning: To salvage something is to save it before it's too late. Salvage is defined as to save from something. Example: Is there any chance to salvage our marriage? Synonyms: Save, Rescue, Redeem, Regain, Ransom Antonyms: Abandon, Forfeit, Lose, Endanger
Meaning: The meaning of sultry is very hot and moist or creating passion. It also refers to excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness. Example: His sultry expression quickened her pulse. Synonyms: Hot, Oppressive, Scorching, Soggy Antonyms: Calm, Cold, Dry, Frigid, Unappealing
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