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BBA, MBA, BBA Admission Process

CAT’s commitment to you goes beyond merely helping you do your best on your Exam. We know that your ultimate goal is to apply and gain acceptance to the business school for BBA, MBA, or MS program that’s right for you, and we feel a strong responsibility to help you achieve that goal.

To that end, this module will take you through the entire application process. We will:

  • Identify the factors that business schools are looking for in your application for BBA, MBA, or MS admission
  • Show you how to choose the right schools, and the right number of schools, to which you should apply
  • Outline the process of brainstorming, writing, and refining your personal essays
  • Explain how to obtain the most effective recommendation letters
  • Prepare you for the business school interview
  • Present a calendar for the relevant tasks so that you can minimize frustration and disappointment

Be ready to take extensive notes, and in a notebook that you will also fill with brainstorming and other tasks that we’ll be assigning to you. You only apply to business school once. You might as well do it right.