Energy crisis of Pakistan, in a way, is the outflow of provincial prejudices that have plagued the national life for the last many decades. The leadership is incapable of positive thinking. Views on almost every issue of national importance are bitterly divided. No amount of convincing brings about consensus of opinion. The project of Kala Bagh Dam was conceived almost half a century ago. Had it been constructed on time Pakistan would not have faced the kind of energy problem that it is confronted with today. All sorts of unreasonable objections have been raised from time to time and answered by competent authorities but to no avail. Every government on coming to power declared to build the dam but every time the week-.kneed leadership buckled under political pressure and blackmail of the narrow minded nationalists. A similar fate is staring the Gwadar mega project in the face. It has been built by China and Balochistan is its biggest beneficiary but its own provincial leadership is raising all kinds of frivolous objections to make it controversial by giving the project serious prejudicial twists. Like Kala Bagh this project too is directly linked to the resolution of country’s energy problem. It is destined to serve as the energy hub for the country. It is time for the national leadership to realize the extreme multiple importance of the project and save it from falling victim to imaginary provincial misgivings. Now it is the turn of Thar coal reserves. It is only to be hoped and prayed that this Project may not fall into the hands of the narrow minded provincial leadership to let the reserves remain hidden in the bowels of the mother earth as they have been since times immemorial. Let the politician, for a change, resort to politics of reconciliation instead of confrontation, in the larger interest of the nation. Let the coal reserves be utilized for the benefit of the people and the country.
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