Faster development of major Asian economies during the current century would increase the consumption of energy in the region. It is estimated that by 2020, Asia’s demand for energy would grow from 3.2 billion tonnes in 2004 to 6.2 billion tonnes by 2030. Demand for oil will be doubled while gas will continue to be the biggest source of energy. So far as Pakistan is concerned, its oil demand is expected to double by 2015 and quadruple by 2025. The resources of the present energy exporting countries in the Middle East in particular are likely to deplete by 2035-40. Thus a state of competition for access to energy sources is developing fast and Pakistan has to plan ahead to secure its energy interests. Energy factor has started playing a decisive role in shaping the world affairs. It has become matter of contest and competition between major powers. In Central Asia intense competition for access to energy and its transportation is in full swing. The main objective of US foreign policy is to tighten its control on the global fuel assets, trading routes, oil pipelines and major waterways. That explains its continued presence in the Middle East and its containment policy of China and Russia to deny them access to major energy sources. However, both Russia and China are also developing their own equations with energy rich countries. That explains the first ever visit by a Russian President to Qatar and Saudi Arabia in early part of 2007 and increase in Chinese interaction with Middle East leaders. The competition for energy will intensify with the passage of time. Pakistan’s geo-strategic location is such that in any world scenario of world demand for energy no power will be able to bypass its vital interests
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