The education system suffers from a number of inadequacies and maladjustments. The problems it suffers from are: One: With the phenomenal growth of population education facilities have not increased accordingly. Classes are overcrowded to render student teacher ratio irrational. Two: In the field of professional education thousands take entry tests. Only a few are selected due to constraint of seats, Quite a number of deserving candidates fail to find place in the profession of their liking and get frustrated. Three: Education has become too costly even for a middle class family. Their children get education sacrificing a number of necessities of life. Four: Far too many subjects have been introduced at lower level classes much more than the mental capacity of the children. Their bags are too heavy for them to carry. Five: Majority of the children fail to join a school due to stark poverty. Six: Those who wish to opt for higher education are unable to do so for lack of opportunity locally. Seven: Text books are hard to get on the commencement of the new academic year. Eight: There is paucity of trained teachers. Senior teachers become out of date but have no facility for refresher courses. Nine: There is almost no provision for adult education which could be taken up through Union Councils. Ten: The most dangerous and highly explosive constituent of the education system are so called Deeni Madaris. They produce bigots, extremists, militants who are taught a perverted version of Islam by unpatriotic teachers.
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