
Deeni Madaris

They exist in large numbers. They serve the poor but create religious extremists. They are unable to contribute to the progress of the nation in any field due to biased religious teachings. They are doing more harm than good to themselves as well as the nation. But why call them deeni? In Islam deen-dunia are inevitably integrated. They should be named as Awami Madaris and should be funded by the state. They should remain under absolute government control. Their funds coming from home and abroad for their support should be handled by the government. They should he headed by liberal Principals. Sciences, computer, humanities and all modern subjects including English etc should be taught, as in any normal education institution.

Inside the Topic

Provisions of the Policy, Objective view of the Policy, Deeni Madaris, The Proposal, Cadet Colleges, Public Schools, Government Schools, Private Schools, Deeni Madaris, Weaknesses of the system, Why a uniform system of education, and others.