However, people in power and some out of it, often assert that the Quaid was secular and wished Pakistan to be a secular state. What makes them say so? It is their feudal mindset that prompts them to distort history. They, by nature, are in habit of giving orders and expecting absolute obedience. As such their genius is neither democratic nor Islamic. Any such accusation on their part is loaded with malafide intentions. They say so to justify what they have done to this unfortunate country until this day. Their despotic and dictatorial ways led to the separation of the Eastern wing to become Bangla Desh. What has been left of it they have brought it to brink of a failed state. They have exposed it to existential threat. They have transformed a God-given heaven of blessings to a veritable hell. Their tiny minority has grabbed all possible material resource for themselves throwing the rest of the ninety percent population into a complex web of miseries. They know that if the state of Quaid’s ideals ever gets established, they will have no place in it. Being misfits they shall be discarded contemptuously. There is a distinct class of intellectuals, such as Ardeshir Cowasjee, who are hell bent to call the Quaid a man of a secular mind. They ignore scores of his speeches, as quoted above, that portray him a true Muslim. He misinterprets some of his words spoken to the Constituent Assembly on 11 Aug 47. Let us see what he said on that august day He said “You may belong to any religion or caste or creed- that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” Such scholars of opinion should know that this is exactly what Islam preaches. More than a religion it is a way of life of tolerance, justice and forgiveness. This statement only means that in the conduct of the business of the state no distinction will be made between a Muslim and non-Muslim. That’s what Islam is.
However, people in power and some out of it, often assert that the Quaid was secular and wished Pakistan to be a secular state. What makes them say so? It is their feudal mindset that prompts them to distort history. They, by nature, are in habit of giving orders and expecting absolute obedience. As such their genius is neither democratic nor Islamic. Any such accusation on their part is loaded with malafide intentions. They say so to justify what they have done to this unfortunate country until this day. Their despotic and dictatorial ways led to the separation of the Eastern wing to become Bangla Desh. What has been left of it they have brought it to brink of a failed state. They have exposed it to existential threat. They have transformed a God-given heaven of blessings to a veritable hell. Their tiny minority has grabbed all possible material resource for themselves throwing the rest of the ninety percent population into a complex web of miseries. They know that if the state of Quaid’s ideals ever gets established, they will have no place in it. Being misfits they shall be discarded contemptuously.
There is a distinct class of intellectuals, such as Ardeshir Cowasjee, who are hell bent to call the Quaid a man of a secular mind. They ignore scores of his speeches, as quoted above, that portray him a true Muslim. He misinterprets some of his words spoken to the Constituent Assembly on 11 Aug 47. Let us see what he said on that august day He said “You may belong to any religion or caste or creed- that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” Such scholars of opinion should know that this is exactly what Islam preaches. More than a religion it is a way of life of tolerance, justice and forgiveness. This statement only means that in the conduct of the business of the state no distinction will be made between a Muslim and non-Muslim. That’s what Islam is.
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