was a matter of grave misfortune for Pakistan that soon after independence it lost
the Quaid-e-Azam who was perhaps the only one capable of orientating the future
polity, economy and mode of governance of the country. His successors were
predominantly feudals. The nation fell into their charge at that defining
moment and continues to be held by them till today in their iron-tight
stranglehold. The result is that democracy is a blessing unknown to the people
of this part of the world. They have been kept uneducated, underdeveloped,
disempowered and made to lead lives in servitude. The national scene is one of
chaos, turmoil and turbulence. Pakistan’s rating among the comity of nations is
reflected by an international survey that declares it to be the sixth most
dangerous, the fifth most corrupt and twentieth most poverty ridden nation in
the world. Pakistan and India became independent simultaneously.
very first step India took was that it annexed the princely states, about 300
of them, and abolished feudalism by dissolving every big jagir. The Hindu
leadership at that time was headed by Pundit Jawahar Lal Nehru who was a
confirmed socialist and a hardened anti-feudalist. The consequence of hi wise
and bold decision was that today India is the largest democracy of the world
and is held in high esteem by all major powers. In 1947 it was deficient in
food grains while Pakistan was overwhelmingly surplus. Today it is the other
way round. India has attained food self-sufficiency while Pakistan has gone
deficit and developed serious shortages. This is the contribution of the
feudalistic system that was responsible for the loss of East Pakistan in 1971
and later has gradually brought the rest of the country to the brink of disaster.
Salvation of the country lies in the restoration of democracy in every walk of
leadership may continue to remain composed of anti-democratic forces hut a
powerful silent majority exists that is fed up with the exploitative policies
of the people in power. Some day its patience will spill over to let a leader
of substance emerge who shall lead the nation to the goal of real democracy.
The existing political parties and their leaders too chant the hymns of
democracy but that is nothing more than quoting of scripture by the devil. They
advocate the same old kind of sham democracy that is worst than dictatorship.
Pakistan is in need of genuine democracy under the brand name of Islamic
Republic which is the title of country’s Constitution. A sort of violent
revolution is gradually building up due to the chaotic circumstances prevailing
all around. The democratic revolution may come in its wake but if it doesn’t
the spread of universal education will make the nation politically conscious to
demand the restoration of democracy in a manner which no one shall have the
excuse and courage to refuse.