Amertya Sen the Nobel Laureate in Economics for the year 2001 says: “There is no poverty in a democracy.” This means that democracy alleviates poverty to achieve fair distribution of wealth and educates the nation to bring in prosperity. This observation is correct the other way round too. Educate the nation and alleviate poverty through balanced economic development, the end result will be creation of demand for democracy and when demand for something is created circumstances make sure that it is duly met. But the question is who will work this miracle. The requirement is the appearance of a Quaid-e-Azam, a Mao, a Lenin, a Khumeini, a Voltaire. Until a leader of that stature appears on Pakistan’s horizon the fate of the nation will remain sealed. However such men of destiny emerge when plight of the people touches the lowest ebb. While the arrival of the saviour is awaited the existing awareness for the demand for democratic revolution may gradually get converted into a movement to encompass the whole nation within its fold in course of time. The process should begin with the objective of alleviation of poverty which is the responsibility of every government. The administration should not feel contented with the attainment of macro-economic stability only. Its micro aspect is comparatively of more importance. It should have built-in provision for equitable distribution of incomes and resources at all levels avoiding concentration of wealth in fewer hands. The strategy of creating wealth first and then let it trickle down to lower levels was tried during the Second Five Year Plan (1955-60) with disastrous results. mere 22 families emerged to command 90% of the wealth created and what really trickled down was only a trickle. Poverty of the vast majority came up in sharp contrast to the affluent few. This economic imbalance created social problems of such grave magnitude that continue to afflict Pakistan’s political and social life till today. The disparity that developed then still stands uncorrected. Unfortunately the same ‘trickle down’ theory is being pressed into practice even today. It is so because it suits the empowered classes. It enables them to multiply their wealth at much quicker rate.
Amertya Sen the Nobel Laureate in Economics for the year 2001 says: “There is no poverty in a democracy.” This means that democracy alleviates poverty to achieve fair distribution of wealth and educates the nation to bring in prosperity. This observation is correct the other way round too. Educate the nation and alleviate poverty through balanced economic development, the end result will be creation of demand for democracy and when demand for something is created circumstances make sure that it is duly met. But the question is who will work this miracle. The requirement is the appearance of a Quaid-e-Azam, a Mao, a Lenin, a Khumeini, a Voltaire. Until a leader of that stature appears on Pakistan’s horizon the fate of the nation will remain sealed. However such men of destiny emerge when plight of the people touches the lowest ebb. While the arrival of the saviour is awaited the existing awareness for the demand for democratic revolution may gradually get converted into a movement to encompass the whole nation within its fold in course of time.
The process should begin with the objective of alleviation of poverty which is the responsibility of every government. The administration should not feel contented with the attainment of macro-economic stability only. Its micro aspect is comparatively of more importance. It should have built-in provision for equitable distribution of incomes and resources at all levels avoiding concentration of wealth in fewer hands. The strategy of creating wealth first and then let it trickle down to lower levels was tried during the Second Five Year Plan (1955-60) with disastrous results. mere 22 families emerged to command 90% of the wealth created and what really trickled down was only a trickle. Poverty of the vast majority came up in sharp contrast to the affluent few. This economic imbalance created social problems of such grave magnitude that continue to afflict Pakistan’s political and social life till today. The disparity that developed then still stands uncorrected. Unfortunately the same ‘trickle down’ theory is being pressed into practice even today. It is so because it suits the empowered classes. It enables them to multiply their wealth at much quicker rate.
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