A grand strategy to promote equitable distribution of wealth among the entire society, educate the whole nation on priority basis and in consequence bring about the democratic revolution, as discussed below: One: Feudalism should be abolished with one stroke of the pen as it was done in Korea by General Park in early sixties of the last century. Until such a brave visionary emerges in Pakistan the government can initiate schemes of development and universal education among the masses sidelining the feudal lords and making them ineffective. Over a period of time they are likely to stand dispossessed of their traditional powers and privileges and become non-entities. But that too needs leaders of vision and initiative who strongly believe that feudalism is in reality the mother of all ills of Pakistan. Two: Whatever the plan of economic development the large and medium scale projects should be broad-based setting regional priorities and bringing the entire population under its cover. No part of the country should be neglected by the public and private sectors and no part of the society should feel deprived. The principle of inter-cooperation of the provinces and overall national integration should not be lost sight of. Parallel to this, a system of universal education and grass root development of small and cottage industries should be launched putting Union Councils and Tehsil Councils of the local government to work. Three: The main care and worry of the central and provincial governments will be to keep the economy stabilized. Demand and supply of essential goods and utilities should remain balanced to keep the price level under check. Inflationary conditions should be kept under strict watch. Four: The man of the religion should step forward to come to the aid of the poor in getting rid of the stranglehold of the rich. He knows that Islam lays down legitimate modes of man’s daily economic activity. How he is to earn his living and how he is to spend it. If the relevant Quranic commandment is followed then no one can possibly accumulate wealth beyond a certain limit. Limits of the ownership of wealth and property are clearly laid down, It is ordained that whatever is held over and above ones legitimate needs is to be given away. It may be invested, spent for the benefit of humanity, doled out to the poor, gifted to the needy relatives over and above the amount that is dished out as zakat and usher. Similarly there is a limit on the ownership of landed property. An individual cannot hold the size of a land mass that is not socially justifiable. Such holdings should not divide the Muslims into categories of very rich on one hand arid very poor on the other. In Islam interest of the society takes precedence over the interest of the individual. The prime responsibility of the religious leader is to discharge the above stated duty faithfully but unfortunately he has developed taste for practical politics to the neglect of his own assigned functions. Religion cleanse up the dirty political environment and chastens the politician. Conversely, when the intrigue-infested and morally corrupt politics interact with the religion it pollutes its piety and purity. A harmless man of religion when exposed to the shady world of politics is likely to get transformed into an extremist, a fundamentalist, a terrorist and even a suicidal bomber. The religious leader should better devote himself to cater for the spiritual needs of the people instead of going wayward himself. He is capable of making this country an Islamic Republic, the title borne by the Constitution of Pakistan and can help the nation to get rid of the curse of feudalism.
A grand strategy to promote equitable distribution of wealth among the entire society, educate the whole nation on priority basis and in consequence bring about the democratic revolution, as discussed below:
Similarly there is a limit on the ownership of landed property. An individual cannot hold the size of a land mass that is not socially justifiable. Such holdings should not divide the Muslims into categories of very rich on one hand arid very poor on the other. In Islam interest of the society takes precedence over the interest of the individual. The prime responsibility of the religious leader is to discharge the above stated duty faithfully but unfortunately he has developed taste for practical politics to the neglect of his own assigned functions. Religion cleanse up the dirty political environment and chastens the politician. Conversely, when the intrigue-infested and morally corrupt politics interact with the religion it pollutes its piety and purity. A harmless man of religion when exposed to the shady world of politics is likely to get transformed into an extremist, a fundamentalist, a terrorist and even a suicidal bomber. The religious leader should better devote himself to cater for the spiritual needs of the people instead of going wayward himself. He is capable of making this country an Islamic Republic, the title borne by the Constitution of Pakistan and can help the nation to get rid of the curse of feudalism.
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