It will not be wrong to say that the greater the nuisance value of an officer, the greater the bribery he gets. Seeing big guns indulging in corruption common men take it for granted as they get a kind of sanction. Everybody justifies corruption declaring that it is a world-wide phenomenon. Illegal gratification is not the only way of corruption. Influential people do not pay their dues. Senior bureaucrats and politicians go on foreign jaunts and take their family members with them just to enjoy at the cost of public exchequer. Everybody, whosoever gets a chance, misuses official machinery and earns crores. Accountant General reports which indict politicians and officials gather dust lying on the store-room. If these reports are scrutinized properly many heads would roll. But nothing is done. Men in power have become commission agents. They do not hesitate to compromise the independence and security of the nation.It is very unfortunate that corruption has entered into the portals of judicial, educational and religious institutions. Donation is another name of bribery. Everywhere money makes the mare go. If you are ready to shell out sufficient bucks you can meet the deity by jumping the queue.
It is very unfortunate that corruption has entered into the portals of judicial, educational and religious institutions. Donation is another name of bribery. Everywhere money makes the mare go. If you are ready to shell out sufficient bucks you can meet the deity by jumping the queue.
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