Spirit of serving people and nation has evaporated sacrifice is shunned. Nobody is motivated by lofty ideals. Elections have become very costly.It is only from the industrialists and the wealthy. In return these industrialists and wealthy people loot and fleece the common men freely because checkers themselves are corrupt. When elected, the candidates start amassing huge money by fair or foul means as they know after a certain period they are to fight the elections again. Easy money quietly sinks into their fathomless pockets. Conditions are so bad that capable and upright people shudder to fight elections as they have no means. Some people still believe that they can mend things but they are helpless to be part of government machinery. Criminalization of politics has further complicated the problem. Criminals ultimately become touts of the politicians or liaison officers to entrap would-be and willing givers of easy money. Moreover, those who have indulged in booth-capturing and intimidation of the voters on behalf of the candidates establish their own offices to hoodwink people and extort money from them to fix their meetings with the elected members. Members in power invariably get their cut honestly.
It is only from the industrialists and the wealthy. In return these industrialists and wealthy people loot and fleece the common men freely because checkers themselves are corrupt. When elected, the candidates start amassing huge money by fair or foul means as they know after a certain period they are to fight the elections again. Easy money quietly sinks into their fathomless pockets. Conditions are so bad that capable and upright people shudder to fight elections as they have no means. Some people still believe that they can mend things but they are helpless to be part of government machinery. Criminalization of politics has further complicated the problem. Criminals ultimately become touts of the politicians or liaison officers to entrap would-be and willing givers of easy money. Moreover, those who have indulged in booth-capturing and intimidation of the voters on behalf of the candidates establish their own offices to hoodwink people and extort money from them to fix their meetings with the elected members. Members in power invariably get their cut honestly.
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