
Lesson: Analytic Writing Asessment - 09

Argument Analysis - Summary

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The CAT Method For "Analysis Of An Argument," Summarized

Step One: Take the Argument Apart

  • Identify the topic and scope.
  • Note the conclusion, paraphrase it, and type it.
  • Sum up the given evidence, and then type that summary.
  • End the opening paragraph with some sort of assertion that the argument is suspect because its assumptions are doubtful.

Step Two: Select the Points You'll Make

  • Make a list of the assumptions that connect evidence to conclusion.
  • Think about the dubiousness of, or plausible alternatives to, these assumptions.
  • Jot down anything relevant that the author hasn't discussed.

Step Three: Organize Your Thoughts

  • Mentally run through the structure of the remaining paragraphs.

Step Four: Write & Type Your Essay

  • In Paragraph 1, point out some of the assumptions the author has made, and why they are not necessarily so.
  • In Paragraph 3, mention new evidence that you'd like to see in order to resolve the doubts expressed in Paragraph 2.

Step Five: Proofread Your Essay

  • Take time for a careful and critical read-through.
  • Insert appropriate Keyword signals as needed.

Next to display next topic in the chapter.

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A good rule of thumb is that your reader should be able to get the gist of your entire argument just by skimming the first sentence of each paragraph. Remember, your reader is probably going to devote no more than 3 to 5 minutes to your essay. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your AWA to outline the five sentences that will begin your paragraphs; this strategy can make your reader’s job far easier, and a happy reader is probably more apt to make those tricky 4/5 line calls in your favor. Similarly, the e-reader is programmed to assess organization, and well-written topic sentences that use transition words and clearly state the point of each paragraph are a big help in creating the kind of organizational structure that earns you points on test day.

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