
How to Write Analysis of Issue Essay

Since there are two essays types in the test, it is essentially required to understand the basics of both the essays. The issue essay is entirely different from the argument essay. It would be a great mistake to write these essays in a style that you have been writing the essays in your college classes. You must prepare Issue essay before the test. This is an important factor to understand what is asked in a issue essay.

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Tips and Strategies

The time limit for writing Issue Analysis task is 30 minutes.

Take Notes

Take notes as if you're debating the issue. Write as many points as you can think for and against each side of the issue. Set priority for each point and counterpoint, try to think of at least one good supporting reason or example. Number your points in a logical order in which to present them, and you'll have a good outline for your essay.

Address your point of view

The Issue prompt consists of an issue-related statement and one of six different point of views, which vary according to the issue statement at hand. Be sure you respond to the specific point of view presented.

Stick to your Point of View

Adopt any standing you can convincingly support. Don't waste time thinking about what position on the issue you should adopt — or what position a reader would want you to take. The readers don't care about your opinions; what they do care about is how persuasively you support your position with relevant reasons and examples as well as how effectively you communicate your ideas.

Where you Stand

Let the reader know up front where you stand. There's no reason to begin your Issue essay by restating or paraphrasing the writing prompt. A better way to begin is to acknowledge the complexity of the issue and to indicate your position on it.

Recapitulate for the reader

Try to reserve time for a final paragraph in which you recapitulate (sum up) your thesis — reiterating where you stand on the issue in the final analysis, and why. This concluding (summary) paragraph is generally not the place for additional examples, reasons or other ideas.

In order to prepare for the issue essay, you should also make an effort to attempt the sample questions of issue essays. Reading and learning is important, but writing and applying your knowledge is equally important. It gives you practice and you get to know how the actual test is going to be, what is the pattern of the test, whether you will be able to complete the test in the given time etc. Above all it makes you familiar with the real test, which helps you to gain confidence and remove your inhibitions.
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