In the capitalized pair, the relationship involves
both quality and dee. Someone who plans to EXTORT (force from another by
violence or intimidation) hopes to exert at INFLUENCE. Three of the choices,
(A), (D), and (E), illustrate an analogous relationship. To steal is to borrow
permanently; to interrogate is to ask very closely and thoroughly; and to plummet
is to fall rapidly and precipitously.
Leaving yourself three viable choices should tell you that you haven’t yet determined
the essence of the relationship between EXTORT and INFLUENCE. So
try again: The usual purpose of extortion is to compel another to give you
something (usually money) by influence; similarly, the usual purpose of interrogation
is to compel another to give you something (usually information) by
asking. So in both pairs, the relationship is one of dee as well as purpose.
Would it make sense to say that the purpose of stealing something is to obtain
something else by borrowing? Or that the purpose of descending is to plummet?
No. So choice (D) provides a better analogy that either choice (A) or (E).
The correct answer is (D).
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