
General Explanation

The questions related to General Explanation have been displayed in the following section. You can find the answer of each question.

Questions About: General Explanation

Explain the following definitions. 1. Person 2. Court of Justice 3. Document 4. Counterfeit 5. Criminal Knowledge
Explain the following definitions. 1. Injury 2. Movable Property 3. Wrongful gain, wrongful loss 4. Judge 5. Oath
Explain the following definitions. 1. Valuable security 2. Dishonestly 3. Fraudulently 4. Difference between dishonestly and fraudulently 5. Difference between motive and intention v>
Explain the following definitions. 1. Reason to believe 2. Good faith 3. Voluntarily 4. Harbouring 5. Public servant v>
What is the principle of Constructive Liability’? Distinguish between Common Object and Common intention.
Define and explain common intention and common object. Is there any difference between the two? If so, explain.
What are the salient aspects of S. 34 of Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 and explain the terms “act done by several persons in furtherance of common intention”?
What is the Law in the Pakistan Penal Code regarding join offenders? div>

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