
On the Test Centers in Pakistan

SAT is conducted in major cities of Pakistan including:


In days of LUMS admissions, a large number of students apply for SAT. In these days, to have a seat in centers becomes difficult.


Arrive at the test center no later than 7:45 a.m., unless the Admission Ticket says otherwise. Admission to the center begins at that time.

  • The doors to the testing rooms close at about 8:15 a.m.
    • Testing starts between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. Once testing has begun, latecomers cannot be admitted.
    • There are three five-minute breaks. You can consume snacks and drinks during the breaks.
  • IDs are checked whenever you enter the testing room. Keep your ID with you at all times.
  • Wait to be seated—your seat is assigned, not chosen by you.
  • The test supervisor gives you an answer sheet first and gives step-by-step instructions for filling out the personal and test information
  • Each test book has a unique serial number. The test supervisor hands a book to each test-taker in serial number order and records the test book distribution on a chart.
  • No one may leave the room without permission.
  • Test books, answer sheets, and calculators must remain on your desk during breaks.

Cell phone use is not allowed at any time in the test center.

Many of test takers comes to the test centers from different cities across the whole country. So Pakistani test takers must arrange to arrive well before the test time. Most of the time LUMS is set to be the center of SAT.

  • Once the testing room supervisor has read the instructions to students to turn off and put away cell phones and other prohibited devices, if a student's cell phone makes any noise or a student is seen using the phone at any time (including breaks), the student will be dismissed, the scores will be canceled and the device may be confiscated and its contents inspected.
  • Prohibited electronic devices may be subject to collection, and the College Board and its employees and representatives, including a test administrator, will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged prohibited devices.
Meet Your Target

Best Preparation

You’ve probably heard the quote (originally credited to Alexander Graham Bell): Preparation is the key to success. When it comes to test taking, these are words to live by.

SAT Time Allocation

The test contains 3 hours and 45 minutes of actual timed sections, although most administrations, including orientation, distribution of materials, completion of biographical sections, and eleven minutes of timed breaks, run about four and a half hours long.

SAT Question Difficulty Levels

The questions range from easy, medium, and hard depending on the scoring from the experimental sections. Easier questions typically appear closer to the beginning of the section while harder questions are towards the end in certain sections. This is not true for every section but it is the rule of thumb mainly for math and sentence completions and vocabulary.

Use of Calculator

With the recent changes to the content of the SAT math section, the need to save time while maintaining accuracy of calculations has led some to use calculator programs during the test. These programs allow students to complete problems faster than would normally be possible when making calculations manually.

The use of a graphing calculator is sometimes preferred, especially for geometry problems and questions involving multiple calculations. According to research conducted by the College Board, performance on the math sections of the exam is associated with the extent of calculator use, with those using calculators on about a third to a half of the items averaging higher scores than those using calculators less frequently.

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Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.