
MCAT - Medical Entry Test Preparation with MCQ Download and Subject Lessons

MCAT is a mandatory test for admission in any medical college in Pakistan. MCAT is a multiple-choice examination designed to assess the examines knowledge of science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine.

MCAT Preparation

The Provincial governments make arrangements for conducting the central entry test for the admission in the medical institutes (both private and public) in the respective provinces. The UHS (University of Health Sciences) - Punjab administer the entry test for admission test in MBBS and BDS for Medical institutes in Punjab. Where as in other provinces the test is administered by their respective authorities.

For taking lesson, follow the steps

Step 1 - Physics

UHS has set a syllabus of Physics that is based on F.Sc., A-Level, and other prevailing systems of education in the country. You must cover following topics:

Physical Quantities and Units, Forces, Fluid Dynamics, Light, Waves, Deformation of Solids, Ideal Gases, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electronics, Current Electricity, Magnetism and Electromagnetism, Modern Physics, and Nuclear Physics.

Step 2 - Chemistry

UHS has set a syllabus of Chemistry that is based on F.Sc., A-Level, and other prevailing systems of education in the country. You must cover following topics:

Fundamental Concepts, States of Matter, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Energetics, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Reaction Kinetics, Periods, Groups, Transition elements, Elements of Biological Importance, Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbon, Alkyl Halides, Alcohols and Phenols, Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acid, Amino Acids, Macromolecules, and Environmental Chemistry.

Step 3 - Biology

UHS has set a syllabus of Biology that is based on F.Sc., A-Level, and other prevailing systems of education in the country. You must cover following topics:

Introduction to Biology, Cell Biology, Biological Molecules, Microbiology, Kingdom Animalia and Plantae, Human Physiology, Bioenergetics, Biotechnology, Ecosystem, and Evolution and Genetics.

Step 4 - Sentence Correction

This section of the test is consisted of two types:

  • Type 1 :It will contain sentences with grammatical errors and the candidate will have to identify the error. There will be Six Questions from this type.
  • Type 2 :There will be Ten Questions consisting of a list of Four sentences each. The candidate will have to choose the grammatically correct sentence out of the given four options.

Step 5 - MCAT Vocabulary

This section of the test is consisted of two types:

  • Type 1 :It will be comprised of Four Questions in which the candidate will have to select the appropriate/suitable word from the given alternatives.
  • Type 2 :In this part, the candidate will be asked to choose the right synonyms. Four options will be given and He/She will have to choose the most appropriate one. There will be Ten Questions from this part.

Download Syllabus and Vocabulary

To prepare this part you must download word list provided by UHS.

Step 6

The Aptitude Test does not contain any curriculum nor any science content: nor it can be revised for. It focuses on exploring the cognitive powers of candidates and other attributes considered to be valuable for health care professionals. This section of the test is consisted of 22 questions of three types:
  • Type 1: Ethical, moral, professional and personality attributes
    This part of the test Assesses the candidate’s attitudes about moral, ethical and professional issues. It will also assess personality attributes of the candidates. There will be twelve questions in this section.
  • Type 2 :Quantitative and abstract reasoning
    Assesses candidate’s ability to solve numerical problems and abstract reasoning. There will be five questions in this section.
  • Type 3 : Analytical reasoning and problem solving
    It Assesses candidate’s ability to deal with various forms of information, to infer relationships, to make informed judgements, and decide upon an appropriate response. There will be five questions in this section.
To prepare quantitative reasoning part.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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