SAT II Subject Chemistry cover a mix of GCSE and AS-level curricula. Students who have not studied a subject beyond GCSE level may have trouble with one of these tests.
Chemistry SAT involves a lot of topics that are not inculded in FSc or A Level courses. So the test takers must have books for SAt Chemistry so that may understand the special topics on the test. FSc students must revise their text books along with some SAT book to cover the topics in the SAT II Physics.
To perform well on the SAT II Chemistry, a prospect test taker must do a lot of practice. As time is an important factor for better performance on the test so practice make it handy to solve the questions well in time.
It is very correct that the questions on the SAT are very hard. Of course; SAT questions become hard if you have no idea on which the question has been built. If you incraese your knowledge of SAT chemistry, you'll do well on the test.
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