
SAT - II Subject tests are no longer available. College Board has discontinued them

SAT II Biology

The contents of SAT II Biology based on the topics ginev below in this page. The level of difficulty is up to FSc first year and O Level. Only a limited number of universities or colleges require SAT Subject tests. However; some high ranked colleges or universities require one or more SAT Subject along with the SAT Reasoning test. The score of SAT II Biology plays a significant role in your admission. If you apply in one or more of the disciplines, you'll have to take SAT II Biology.


  • Medical Sciences
  • Biotechnology including Genetic engineering
  • Pharmacy

A detailed dicussion of the topic below.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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The SAT II Biology covers the biology topics taught in A-Level and F.Sc. course of any Pakistani Board of education biology course, with particular emphasis on either ecology or molecular biology. ETS (Education Testing Sevice USA) categorises the test in five categories:

Topic and Number of Questions

  • Cellular and Molecular Biology 8–11 Mcqs
  • Ecology 8–11 Mcqs
  • Classical Genetics 7–9 Mcqs
  • Organismal Biology 22–26 Mcqs
  • Evolution and Diversity 7–10 Mcqs

As we said, depending on which specialty section you elect to take, you will also face 20 questions (25 percent of the total questions you will see) in either ecology/evolution or molecular biology/evolution.

While these categories are helpful, they are also very broad. For example, you may have cell structure down pat, but biochemistry throws you for a loop, and you would like to get a sense of how much of the test is devoted to these two topics. To help you out, we’ve broken the core of the test down even further, so that you’ll know exactly where to expect to feel the squeeze.

  • Cellular and Molecular Biology 8–11 Mcqs
  • The Cell and Cell Structure 4–6 Mcqs
  • Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry 3–5 Mcqs
  • Cell Processes 1–3 Mcqs
  • Mendelian and Molecular Genetics 8-10 Mcqs
  • Evolution and Diversity 8–10 Mcqs
  • Evolution 2–4 Mcqs
  • Diversity 4–6 Mcqs
  • Organismal Biology 20–26 Mcqs
  • Animal Structure, Function, and Behavior 9–13 Mcqs
  • Plant Structure and Function 9–13 Mcqs
  • Ecology 7–9 Mcqs
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