Everyday Science Examination 1981
allowed: 2 hours Maximum marks: 50
Note: Answer eleven questions in and to the point. All
questions which carries 10 marks.
Fill in the blanks:
- Malaria
caused by ------------- (Plasmodium, mosquito, Trypanosome).
- Rickets
disease is caused by a deficiency of ‘vitamin ----------- (C.D.E.).
- B. C. G.
vaccination is prevention against ------------- (Typhoid, Tuberculosis, and Diphtheria).
- The smallest
organism which causes disease is _________ (Protozoa, Bacteria, Virus).
- Pakistan is
supposed to be free from ________ disease.(poliomyelitis, Malaria, Small pox).
- If distant
objects appear blurred due to defective sight, spectacles with __________
lenses are used (Convex, Concave Cylindrical).
- Who invented
telescope ------------- (Thomas, Edison, Galileo, and Samuel Morse).
- Wires used
in carrying electric current were made up of _______ (Iron, Zinc, and Copper).
- Human ear is
divided into _________ parts (Two. Three, Four).
- Image of an object is formed on ______ of the
eye. (Corners, Retina, Optic nerve).
short notes on two of the following:
Narcotics (ii) Allergy (iii) Heredity (iv) Human blood.
- Give a
brief account of digestion in human body.
- What is
the source of the heat used to maintain our body temperature Constant.
- If a
fresh water micro-organism is placed in a strong salt solution, what happen to
it? Why? How might this effect of salt be used in preserving food?
- “Atherosclerosis”
is a condition also called “hardening of the arteries resulting among other effects
of reduced elasticity of the arteries. What circulatory problem might arise from
this effect on the vessels?
- Describe
the Structure and function of any Iwo of the following:
i) Dry
Battery Cell. (ii) Fire Extinguisher Clinical (iii) Thermometer Common Electric
- Describe
the following: i) Nitrogen cycle (ii) Photosynthesis (iii) Respiration (iv)
Wheel and Axle.
- Name
the natural sources of the following acids:
i) Citric
acid (ii) Acetic acid (iii) Lactic acid (iv) Formic acid.
- What
is the composition of the following alloys:
I) Stainless
steel (ii) &ass (iii) Solder (iv) German Silver.
- What
is the difference between Oils and Ghee. How the vegetable converted into
Vanaspati Ghee.
- What
is corrosion and what are its disadvantage.
- What
are the effects of waterlogging on plant growth.
- Explain
why a bomber does not drop its bomb when it is vertically a the target.
- Why do we use woolen clothes for protecting
ourselves from cold.
- What
is the difference between a Telescope and Microscope.
- What
is the difference between alternating current (AC) and direct c (DC). Can you
change the voltage of a DC source by using a transformer.
- Why
do the bones show up better than flesh in an VX-ray photograph.
- How
are the planets different from the stars.
- What
are the producer and consumers in an eco-system.