
Everyday Science Examination 1980

Time allowed: 2 hours
Maximum marks: 50

Note: Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.

  1.   How is it that by simply pressing the brake of a car with the foot, the vehicle is stopped?
  2.   Describe the principle of a simple clock and the way it measures time.
  3.   How does a guitar a flute produce music?
  4.   How were huge blocks of stone raised to build the Pyramids? Attempt a possible mechanism.
  5.   What makes an electric door-bell ring?
  6.    How arc ripe, sweet mangoes produced through various stages, by mango raised In summer?
  7.    What arc transformers. Why are they used Indicate their working.
  8.    Differentiate between: Air-borne and water-borne diseases.
    Small pox and measles.
     Delta and estuary.
  9.    Differentiate between:
    Glacier and iceberg.
    Isotherms and isobars.
    Delta and estuary.
  10.    What is weathering and erosion? What steps can be taken to prevent erosion of various kinds?
  11.    What is remote-sensing? How is it done through satellites?
  12.    The eye is the best camera. Elucidate this statement scientifically.
  13.    What are fjords? Explain the existence of many fjords in a country like Norway.
  14.    Why do green leaves of trees turn brown and fall in Autumn.
  15.    Name the steps involved in silver-plating a spoon.
  16.    How does a top spin without falling down. Name a few application of this phenomenon.
  17.    How does a walkie-talkie work? Mention its uses.
  18.    What is the utility of lungs in the human body? How does their structure help in performing their functions?
  19.     Indicate the process of refining crude petroleum in a refinery.