
Real happiness in Simple life

Real happiness lies in the simplification of life. The lesser the wants, the lesser the tension Desires are the root cause of unhappiness, discontentment and anguish. When desires are not met, when wants remain wants, heart yearns and burns and goes on pinning for what is not. Life goes unmanageable, it does not mean that man should sit on his laurels and if his elementary and basic needs are fulfilled he should sit idle doing nothing. He is not to go lethargic. If he shuts the windows of his room and does not allow fresh and more air to enter the room, he will feel suffocated. He does not live by bread alone. Life is not equal to the basic needs only. Even animals get their basic needs fulfilled. Then where lies the difference between man and animal? Man is called roof and crown of this universe. He has goals to achieve and he has been sent to scale new heights and by remaining active all the time he is to touch the zenith. If amassed wealth satisfies him completely there will be no progress. To live life   purposefully he must set some limits. If he has got surplus wealth he should become a philanthropist and strive for the betterment of his fellow-beings.