
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 10

sentence correction Set 10 contains 6 of total 84 sentence correction questions (MCQ) with answers. View the answer of each MCQ by clicking over the Show/Hide Answer or all answers at the bottom of the page. You can use these MCQs of sentence correction as a practice for the real exam or entrytest. Interactive Test

MCQ: 55

According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey.
  1. doubling those reported in the 1977 survey
  2. to double the number the 1977 survey reported
  3. twice those the 1977 survey reported
  4. twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey
  5. twice the number reported in the 1977 survey

MCQ: 56

Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the future; they still expect to live better than their parents have, but not so well as they once thought they could.
  1. they still expect to live better than their parents have
  2. they still expect to live better than their parents did
  3. they still expect to live better than their parents had
  4. still expecting to live better than their parents had
  5. still expecting to live better than did their parents

MCQ: 57

Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill, but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a toxin present in the quail's body only under certain conditions.
  1. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes
  2. Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to make
  3. Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes make
  4. It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes make
  5. It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has sometimes made

MCQ: 58

The caterpillar of the geometrid moth strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, after capturing its prey, holds the victim so that it cannot escape.
  1. strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,
  2. striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, but
  3. which strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,
  4. which, striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,
  5. strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed and,

MCQ: 59

In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.
  1. In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.
  2. The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face.
  3. A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant workers face is whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor.
  4. In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.
  5. The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems that they face.
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MCQ: 60

The sale of government surplus machinery will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until the supply lasts.
  1. will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until the supply lasts
  2. begins at 9 a.m., continuing until the supply lasts
  3. will begin at 9 a.m. and, until the supply lasts, will continue
  4. begins at 9 a.m. and, as long as the supply may last, it continues
  5. will begin at 9 a.m. and continue as long as the supply lasts

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