
Antonyms MCQ Set 9

antonyms Set 9 contains 6 of total 98 antonyms questions (MCQ) with answers. View the answer of each MCQ by clicking over the Show/Hide Answer or all answers at the bottom of the page. You can use these MCQs of antonyms as a practice for the real exam or entrytest. Interactive Test

MCQ: 49

  1. parallel
  2. synonymous
  3. hostile
  4. inappropriate
  5. vague

MCQ: 50

  1. frank
  2. pithy
  3. warranted
  4. frugal
  5. ingenuous

MCQ: 51

  1. intelligent
  2. outstanding
  3. predatory
  4. conclusive
  5. magnificent

MCQ: 52

  1. arrive
  2. appeal
  3. retaliate
  4. estrange
  5. lie

MCQ: 53

  1. fawning
  2. obsequious
  3. miserly
  4. omnipresent
  5. haughty

MCQ: 54

  1. berated
  2. belittled
  3. lauded
  4. wicked
  5. worried

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