
Antonyms MCQ Set 16

antonyms Set 16 contains 6 of total 98 antonyms questions (MCQ) with answers. View the answer of each MCQ by clicking over the Show/Hide Answer or all answers at the bottom of the page. You can use these MCQs of antonyms as a practice for the real exam or entrytest. Interactive Test

MCQ: 91

  1. inflate
  2. affix
  3. keep still
  4. make whole
  5. cleanse

MCQ: 92

  1. reassemble fragments
  2. overlook problems
  3. create consensus
  4. placate critics
  5. transcend conventions

MCQ: 93

  1. increase in value
  2. omit
  3. remain silent
  4. measure
  5. knit

MCQ: 94

  1. vindicate
  2. supplant
  3. rejuvenate
  4. follow
  5. familiarize

MCQ: 95

  1. pragmatism
  2. probity
  3. judiciousness
  4. animation
  5. determinedness

MCQ: 96

  1. willing compliance
  2. normality
  3. restoration
  4. fertility
  5. laudatory words

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Set 13Set 14Set 15Set 16Set 17

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