
Pakistan Foundation Model High School - Gujranwala

Branch Campus

Admission 2024 - 2025

Schools in Gujranwala
In the physical jurisdiction of Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education dealing Gujranwala schools and colleges
Co-Education at junior level
Mixed Urdu and English
60-A, Satellite Town - Gujranwala
Web Address
Punjab (Pakistan)

Classes and Admissions 2024 - 2025

Pakistan Foundation Model High School is a Private school in Gujranwala which offers classes for multiple subjects. PFMS is a(n) Mixed Urdu and English Medium School working for educational development of the area.
The classes in this campus of Pakistan Foundation Model High School are Gender Neutral (Co-Education) at junior level..
Admissions 2024 and 2025 are expected to be based on the following schedule.

About Pakistan Foundation Model High School

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