Disclaimer: All information about the schools in this website is to provide physical as well as the web addresses and to show the presence of a school in the area. For updated information contact information office of the school.
Classes and Admissions 2025 - 2026
Head Start Junior is a Private school in Karachi which offers classes for multiple subjects. HSKJC is a(n) English Medium School working for educational development of the area.
The classes in this campus of Head Start Junior are Gender Neutral (Co-Education) at junior level..
Admissions 2025 and 2026 are expected to be based on the following schedule.
Changes are expected in classes by schools. For updated information, visit the school physically or visit their website.
Class | Available | Admission |
Junior Classes like Play Group, Nursery, and Prep | Yes | January to March |
Grade 1 to Grade 5 (Primary) | Yes | February to April |
Grade 6 to Grade 8 (Middle) | No | March to April |
Grade 9 and Grade 10 (Matric) | No | March to June |
About Head Start Junior
A lot of Schools are found in every urban locality of Pakistan but Head Start Junior has its own name for primium methodology for developing students for future success. Head Start Junior offers admission at very affordable fee.
You can find admission office of this campus physically at F/23, Block 5, Rojhan Street, Clifton, Karachi (Sindh). Its web address is http://www.none and telephone number is 00000.
Head Start, the first publicly funded preschool program, was created in 1965 by President Johnson. The federal government helped create this half-day program for preschool children from low-income families. Head Start began as a summer pilot program that included an education component, nutrition and health screenings for children, and support services for families (CPE, 2007). In the 1960s only ten percent of the nations three and four year old were enrolled in a classroom setting. Due to a large amount of people interested, and a lack of funding for Head Start, during the 1980s a handful of states started their own version of a program for students from low-income families. The positive success and effects of preschool meant many state leaders were showing interest in educational reform of these young students (CPE, 2007). By 2005 sixty-nine percent, or over 800,000, four year-old children nationwide participated in some type of state preschool program (CPE, 2007). The yearly increase in enrollment of preschool programs throughout the years is due to an increase of higher maternal employment rates, national anti-poverty initiatives, and research showing the link between early childhood experiences and the brain development of young children. These factors have caused the rate of attendance in preschool programs to grow each year (CPE, 2007). For more details Tel: 35831169 - 70.