Disclaimer: All information about the schools in this website is to provide physical as well as the web addresses and to show the presence of a school in the area. For updated information contact information office of the school.
Classes and Admissions 2025 - 2026
Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch is a Private school in Faisalabad which offers classes for multiple subjects. FGS is a(n) English Medium School working for educational development of the area.
This campus of Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch is for Boys only.
Admissions 2025 and 2026 are expected to be based on the following schedule.
Changes are expected in classes by schools. For updated information, visit the school physically or visit their website.
Class | Available | Admission |
Junior Classes like Play Group, Nursery, and Prep | Yes | January to March |
Grade 1 to Grade 5 (Primary) | Yes | February to April |
Grade 6 to Grade 8 (Middle) | Yes | March to April |
Grade 9 and Grade 10 (Matric) | Yes | March to June |
Cambridge Classes - O Level and A Level
Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch also offer classes for the curricula of Cambrige university UK.
Class | Available | Admission |
GCE O-Level | Yes | February to May |
GCE A-Level | Yes | March to May |
Admission Requirement
For all candidates for admission in Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch Faisalabad, it is mendatory to appear in an Interview and a written test.
About Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch
Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch is a prestigeous school in Faisalabad which is working for educational development of the region. Every year a large number of students seek admission in FGS. Faisalabad Grammar School Boys Branch School remains successful in producing good results of its students.
You can find admission office of this campus physically at Kohinoor City, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad, Faisalabad (Punjab). Its web address is http://www.fgschools.edu.pk and telephone number is (041) 8547755.
Since 1979 Faisalabad Grammar school has accomplished years of success and prosperity, by the blessing of Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Faisalabad Grammar School is playing a significant and vital role in the field of education. It is the “sine qua non” that in fact, healthy minds in healthy bodies are the foundation of a healthy nation. Our aims are academic, extra-curricular activities and spiritual development, based on the culture of Pakistan and also a balanced global outlook, which are essentially the priorities of Faisalabad Grammar School. To achieve our aims, it is critical and essential that excellent services are rendered by staff and pupils, with the whole hearted cooperation of all parents of our students (who relish Faisalabad Grammar School custom – built School with vast Labs, Libraries and play areas).