
Lesson: Applied Arithmetic - 19t09

Mean, Median, Mode And Range Questions

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Task Apply your knowledge to the following questions. Type each answer into the Text Box provided, and then click Continue.

{24, 40, 49, 14, 24, 36, 51}

1.   What is the average (arithmetic mean) of the above set of numbers?  34

2.   What is the median of the above set of numbers?  36

3.   What is the mode of the above set of numbers?  24

4.   What is the range of the above set of numbers?  37

5.   If 49 were to be removed from the above set of numbers, what would the new median be?

New median = the number in the middle after the set has been rearranged: 14, 24, 24, 36, 40, 51. Since there are an even number of elements, we want the number midway between the two middle numbers, or .

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