Newton’s First Law
Newton’s First Law describes how forces relate to motion:
An object at rest remains at rest, unless acted upon by a net force. An object
in motion remains in motion, unless acted upon by a net force.
A soccer ball standing still on the grass does not move until someone kicks it.
An ice hockey puck will continue to move with the same velocity until it hits
the boards, or someone else hits it. Any change in the velocity of an object is
evidence of a net force acting on that object. A world without forces would be
much like the images we see of the insides of spaceships, where astronauts,
pens, and food float eerily about.
Remember, since velocity is a vector quantity, a change in velocity can be a
change either in the magnitude or the direction of the velocity vector. A moving
object upon which no net force is acting doesn’t just maintain a constant
speed—it also moves in a straight line.
But what does Newton mean by a net force? The net force is the sum of the
forces acting on a body. Newton is careful to use the phrase “net force,”
because an object at rest will stay at rest if acted upon by forces with a sum
of zero. Likewise, an object in motion will retain a constant velocity if acted
upon by forces with a sum of zero.
Consider our previous example of you and your evil roommate pushing with equal
but opposite forces on a box. Clearly, force is being applied to the box, but
the two forces on the box cancel each other out exactly:
F + – F = 0. Thus the net force on
the box is zero, and the box does not move.
Yet if your other, good roommate comes along and pushes alongside you with a
force R, then the tie will be
broken and the box will move. The net force is equal to:
F + - F + R = R
Note that the acceleration, a, and
the velocity of the box, v,
is in the same direction as the net force.
The First Law is sometimes called the law of inertia. We define inertia
as the tendency of an object to remain at a constant velocity, or its resistance
to being accelerated. Inertia is a fundamental property of all matter and is
important to the definition of mass.
Newton’s Second Law
To understand Newton’s Second Law, you must understand the concept of
mass. Mass is an intrinsic scalar quantity: it has no direction and is a
property of an object, not of the object’s location. Mass is a measurement of a
body’s inertia, or its resistance to being accelerated. The words mass
and matter are related: a handy way of thinking about mass is as a
measure of how much matter there is in an object, how much “stuff” it’s made out
of. Although in everyday language we use the words mass and weight
interchangeably, they refer to two different, but related, quantities in
physics. We will expand upon the relation between mass and weight later in this
chapter, after we have finished our discussion of Newton’s laws.
We already have some intuition from everyday experience as to how mass, force,
and acceleration relate. For example, we know that the more force we exert on a
bowling ball, the faster it will roll. We also know that if the same force were
exerted on a basketball, the basketball would move faster than the bowling ball
because the basketball has less mass. This intuition is quantified in Newton’s
Second Law:
F = ma
Stated verbally, Newton’s Second Law says that the net force,
F, acting on an object causes
the object to accelerate, a.
Since F =
ma can be rewritten as
a =
F/m, you can see that
the magnitude of the acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and
inversely proportional to the mass, m.
Both force and acceleration are vector quantities, and the acceleration of an
object will always be in the same direction as the net force.
The unit of force is defined, quite appropriately, as a newton (N).
Because acceleration is given in units of m/s2 and mass is given in
units of kg, Newton’s Second Law implies that 1
N = 1 kg · m/s2. In other
words, one newton is the force required to accelerate a one-kilogram body, by
one meter per second, each second.
Newton’s Second Law in Two Dimensions
With a problem that deals with forces acting in two dimensions, the best thing
to do is to break each force vector into its x- and y-components.
This will give you two equations instead of one:
Fz = maz
Fy = may
The component form of Newton’s Second Law tells us that the component of the net
force in the
direction is directly proportional to the resulting component of the
acceleration in the
direction, and likewise for the y-component.
Newton’s Third Law
Newton’s Third Law has become a cliché. The Third Law tells us that:
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What this tells us in physics is that every push or pull produces not one, but
two forces. In any exertion of force, there will always be two objects: the
object exerting the force and the object on which the force is exerted. Newton’s
Third Law tells us that when object A
exerts a force F on
object B, object B will exert a force –F on object A. When you push a box forward, you
also feel the box pushing back on your hand. If Newton’s Third Law did not
exist, your hand would feel nothing as it pushed on the box, because there would
be no reaction force acting on it.
Anyone who has ever played around on skates knows that when you push forward on
the wall of a skating rink, you recoil backward.

Newton’s Third Law tells us that the force that the skater exerts on the wall,
is exactly equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that the
wall exerts on the skater,
The harder the skater pushes on the wall, the harder the wall will push back,
sending the skater sliding backward.
Newton’s Third Law at Work
Here are three other examples of Newton’s Third Law at work, variations of which
often pop up on subject test Physics:
You push down with your hand on a desk, and the desk pushes upward with a force
equal in magnitude to your push.
A brick is in free fall. The brick pulls the Earth upward with the same force
that the Earth pulls the brick downward.
When you walk, your feet push the Earth backward. In response, the Earth pushes
your feet forward, which is the force that moves you on your way.
The second example may seem odd: the Earth doesn’t move upward when you drop a
brick. But recall Newton’s Second Law: the acceleration of an object is
inversely proportional to its mass (a
= F/m). The Earth is about
1024 times as massive as a
brick, so the brick’s downward acceleration of
–9.8 m/s2 is about 1024
times as great as the Earth’s upward acceleration. The brick exerts a
force on the Earth, but the effect of that force is insignificant.
Next to display next topic in the chapter.
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