
Sample SOP for Computer Sciences

MS in Computer Sciences

  • Applicant Name:Naeem u Allah Ansari
  • Undergraduation Major Subject: Computer Science
  • E-mail: xyz@gmail.com

Statement of Purpose

While reasoning my intentions to pursue MS in Computer Scicence at Oklahoma State University I would like to throw some light on my career till now, I always fancied myself with Computers right from my childhood and thought of becoming a Software Engineer got implanted in my mind at an early age. A career in Engineering seemed the most challenging and logical extension of my abilities.

I was given training in the basics of the operation and the applications of the computers during my school days. From that day onwards until the 10th standard I was constantly being taught different concepts of computer in different levels. The various concepts that I am thorough with, in school, are Word, QBasic and C Fundamentals. Science has been my favorable subject right from my school days and has always been one among the toppers of my class. I have even represented my school in many competitions. I have been the member of the quiz team of our school that has won many competitions.

After my higher secondary I was determined to secure for myself a position in the Information Technology field, which deals with the areas of Computers, Communications and Networks. To accomplish this I had to qualify in the GIKI Entrance Exam for Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institutte of Information Technology. I secured a good rank in the examination and secured a seat in Computer Science Engineering.

At GIKI I had the good fortune of having a well-compiled syllabus, which placed equal emphasis on theoretical fundamentals as well as practical applications. Subjects such as Computer organization, Digital Logic Design, Microprocessor Applications laid a solid foundation in the theoretical aspects of the subjects. Practical application aspects were introduced to me through subjects such as Object Oriented Programming concepts, Data Structures, Relational Database Management Systems, Internet technologies. The areas, which are of special interest to me centered on Computer communications, Software Engineering, E-Commerce applications. I am interested in learning more about encryption and artificial intelligence. My interest in Networks began when I read about the various application fields it could be used, in the Information Technology magazine. I am a regular reader of magazines such as IEEE-spectrum, Potentials, chip, computer networks, and computer today, which enabled me to be in touch with the latest developments in information technology.

At GIKI I had the opportunity to interact with some of the best professors in our region. I had the opportunity to do alive project in PTCL Mobile Ltd. Coimbattore and project title is Mobile High Usage Roaming Alert and the project is being implemented by the company people right now and the project is done in VB and Oracle. The next step in my career towards achieving my career goal is to pursue my Masters Program in Computer Science. I have done considerable research in this area to pursue my Higher education in a reputed University and with a good course curriculum. I found about the education in USA and its recognition. I have therefore applied to the OSU in USA. Also with some advice from my college seniors who are in various colleges in USA I have opted for this College. The course MS in Computer Science.

The course has been designed to give me insight into the world of academic and industrial computing research. By focusing on several currently active areas it affords me the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the topics of the course and in doing so, to develop the skills necessary to carry out innovative work with in the discipline of computing.

I strongly believe that a software engineer should be instinctive, innovative, quick to adopt new technologies, which is only possible with solid foundation and profundity in his subjects. This entails and insightful and thorough understanding of the intricacies of the subject. That’s the reason why I am inclined towards M.Sc in Computer Science.

I am sure that with my interaction with the faculty and peers at your college will provide an ambience conducive for my transition from an undergraduate to a graduate. It is my strong belief that graduation from this institution will take me close to achieving my ultimate goal of becoming an efficient software engineer. While my sights are firmly set on graduation, it is my strong desire to pursue research program following my graduation.
Computing Science plays an ever-increasing role in today’s society. Technological innovation has been one of the driving forces behind Paakistan’s rapid growth. It is therefore essential that every opportunity be afforded to talented Indian graduates to extend their education and skills in order to play an active role in managing the opportunities presented in the future.

Pakistan is fast gaining a reputation for its computer industry and at the moment it is regarded as the centre for Software and as a result many of the top notch Multinational Corporations are establishing their contact centers in Pakistan. As a result an International Degree is focused to meet employment opportunities with in the computing industry in Palistan. Possible career opportunities for me in Pakistan include research and development roles in the development of new technologies such as software engineering, technical applications developers and consultants, network managers and other leading roles in computing industry.

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