
Virgina Tech USA

Virginia Tech Office of Undergraduate Admissions 925 Prices Fork Road Blacksburg, VA 24061

E-mail: admissions@vt.edu,Fax: 540-231-3242



Phone: 540-231-6000,(540) 231-6277


The Board of Visitors is the governing authority for Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The board has 14 members, 13 of whom are appointed by the governor. The 14th member is the president of the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services, who serves ex officio.The University Council and the University Commissions constitute the main resident bodies for policy formulation. The University Commissions formulate and recommend policies to the University Council, which in turn makes recommendations to the president of the university. Final authority rests with the president of the university and the Board of Visitors.

Some Programs in Virgina Tech USA

B.S , M.S, Ph D , in Engineering, Economics, Biochemistry, Basic Chemistry, programms,

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Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.