
Medical Colleges in KPK - Khyber Pakhtoonkhaw

A limited number of Medical colleges are operating in Khyber Pakhtoonkhaw. There is a growth in number of both public and private medical colleges in the province. There is a great need of more medical colleges because of the growing need of health care professionals. The present number of medical colleges and other life sciences institutions are far less than the required.

Medical Entrytest

For the admission in MBBS or BDS an applicant must have high score in entrytest which is required by the PMDC - Pakistan Medical and Dental Council. You have full introduction to what is the MCAT - Medical College Admission Test and how you can prepare it.

A large number of students move towards Punjab for studies in Medical sciences. They choose private colleges because of quota limitations on admissions in Public institutions.

MCAT - Medical Colleges Admission Test

Colleges for MBBS and BDS - Medical Sciences (Main Campus in Khyber Pakhtoonkhaw)

Set 1

MS and M. Phil.

Set 1

Doctorate Degree

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