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Lesson: awi05t03

Select The Points You'll Make

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Step 2 Select The Points You'll Make
Use What You Know !
About 5 minutes

Some people believe that second-language fluency is crucial to individual development and international accord, and so they maintain that language training should begin very early. Others feel that second-language fluency is not necessary to most Americans, and that elementary school should be devoted to basic skills
Task Weigh the pros and cons of each side. (Mentally or on scratch paper, make a list of the pros and cons, and then click Continue)

Task  Flesh out your arguments by answering these three questions:
  • What beliefs or assumptions underlie each side's point of view?
  • What are the future consequences?
  • What type of people probably hold each side, and what else do they probably believe?

The answers to these three questions should provide even more fodder for your essay. When you have answered them, click continue.

Task Choose your side. (Go ahead and choose a side, then click Continue)

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