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Lesson: awi05t01

Select The Points You'll Make

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Step 2 Select The Points You'll Make
Use What You Know !
About 5 minutes

Some people believe that second-language fluency is crucial to individual development and international accord, and so they maintain that language training should begin very early. Others feel that second-language fluency is not necessary to most Americans, and that elementary school should be devoted to basic skills
TaskWeigh the pros and cons of each side. (Mentally or on scratch paper, make a list of the pros and cons, and then click Continue)

Among the arguments that might be made in favor:   Among the points in opposition:
  • The jobs of the 21st century are likely to be global in scope
  • The 3R's are already badly taught in the U.S., this will be a further distraction >
  • People learn better when they start young
  • Elementary school kids are too young to choose a language
  • Language ability fosters multiple senses and skills that can be applied to other subjects
  • It's a waste of time that should be spent on other subjects
  • Wars and smaller conflicts are less likely when people speak each other's language
  • The cost may be prohibitive

Look at the issue from both sides before you choose one.
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