In example #2, flip the second fraction before changing the problem to a multiplication one
((y^2 - 9) / (2y + 1)) / ((3 - y) / (2y^2 + 7y + 3))
Let's factor. (y - 9) = (y - 3)(y + 3) and (2y^2 + 7y + 3) = (2y + 1)(y + 3). Our next step is to flip the second fraction and change it to multiplication. Our new expression is going to look like this: ((y - 3)(y + 3) / (2y+ 1)) * ((2y + 1)(y + 3) / ((3 - y)).
The next step is canceling, or what we've been calling slashing. We can slash (2y + 1) over (2y + 1). In the numerator, we have (y - 3)(y + 3) and (y + 3). In the denominator we have (3 - y). If we multiply (3 - y) by -1, we'll get -1(y - 3). Guess what? We can cancel (y - 3) over (y - 3), but remember to leave the -1!
So, our final answer's going to look like: (y + 3)(y + 3) / -1.
But hold on a second! Let's multiply the top and the bottom by -1. This is going to give us -1(y + 3) (y + 3) / 1. When we FOIL, we're going to end up with an answer of -1(y^2 + 6y + 9) / 1. Well if we distribute the -1, we end up with (-y^2 - 6y - 9)!
Example #3

Multiplying by -1 in example #2 removes the negative from the bottom

We begin by factoring. (x^2 + x - 2) factors into (x + 2)(x- 1), (x^2 - 4x - 12) factors into (x - 6)(x + 2), (x^2 - 9x + 8) factors into (x - 8)(x - 1), and x^2 - 2x + 1 factors into (x - 1)(x - 1).
Let's start canceling (or slashing)! We can cancel (x - 1) over (x - 1) and (x + 2) over (x + 2). Once we have canceled, or slashed, all of the terms from the top and bottom, we multiply straight across. That gives us a final answer of (x - 8) / (x - 6).
Lesson Summary
Multiplication and Division of rational polynomial expressions is easy once you remember the steps!
For multiplication: we factor, cancel or slash, and multiply.
For division: we factor, flip, cancel or slash, and multiply.