
Symbols Coding - Decoding


If RADAR is coded as "*?*?#" and DOOR is coded as "?%%#" then DAM will be coded as

  1. ?#%
  2. *#?
  3. *#/
  4. ??#

Answer: *#/

In this question the coding of words is given in symbol form. So we need to first decode and understand which symbol represents which letter. Now RADAR is coded as *?*?#. There are 2 ‘R’ and ‘A’ in RADAR and in code also there are 2 ‘*’ and ‘?’. So it is very clear from this that D=#.

Now let’s take next word which is DOOR. So DOOR is coded as ?%%#. There are 2 ‘O’’s and 2 ‘%’. So, O=%. D is already decoded as #. So the remaining alphabet is R and its symbol is ?. So R=?. As R=? so from RADAR we can easily draw a conclusion t that A=*. So for DAM we know 2 symbols would be # and *. Now looking at the options we can easily eliminate options A and D. Now ? is for R and in the word DAM there is no R. So correct option would be c.

Group of Words


In a certain language,

  • ‘hu ma sam’ means ‘Water is life’.
  • ‘sam na zo’ means ‘Glass of water’.
  • ‘chi zo ma’ means ‘life of PI’.

Which of the following represents ‘PI’ in that language?

  1. hu
  2. ma
  3. chi
  4. sam

Answer: chi


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