
Highest Common Factor And Least Common Multiple MCQ Set 8

Showing question 36 to 40 of total 54 MCQs

MCQ Set: 8

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 36

What least number when divided by 20, 48 and 36 leaves the remainders 13, 41 and 29, respectively?

  1. 720
  2. 713
  3. 727
  4. 187

Question No: 37

There are 3 equilateral triangles with sides 114cm, 76cm and 152 cm. What maximum size scale can measure them exactly?

  1. 19 cm
  2. 21 cm
  3. 38 cm
  4. None of the above

Question No: 38

What greatest number divides 17, 42 and 93 and leaves remainders 4, 3 and 15, respectively?

  1. 89
  2. 78
  3. 13
  4. 17

Question No: 39

What largest number will divide 47, 35 and 27 leaving same remainder in each case? What will be the common remainder?

  1. 9, 1
  2. 1, 9
  3. 4, 3
  4. 3, 4

Question No: 40

What is HCF of 36/75, 48/150 , 72/135?

  1. 12/1350
  2. 150/36
  3. 1350/36
  4. 72/225
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