General Knowledge MCQ Set 76
Showing question 376 to 380 of total 429 MCQs
MCQ Set: 76
Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.
Question No: 376
The influx of domestic sewage containing detergents cause nutrient enrichment in water bodies due to the presence of
- carbonates
- nitrates
- phosphates
- silicates
Answer and Explanation
Answer: C
Not available
Question No: 377
The member states of European Union are
- Belgium, Denmark, France and Greece
- The Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Ireland, Italy
- Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
- All of the above
Answer and Explanation
Answer: D
Not available
Question No: 378
The height of the net in the center of the tennis court is
- 2 ft. 10 inches
- 2 ft. 11 inches
- 2 ft. 1 inch
- 3 ft. 2 inches
Answer and Explanation
Answer: D
Not available
Question No: 379
The last or 13th NAM (Non-aligned Movement) conference was held on
- September 2000 at Jakarta (Indonesia)
- September 2001 at Cartagene
- September 2002 at Durban
- September 2003 at Kuala Lumper
Answer and Explanation
Answer: D
Not available
Question No: 380
The largest airport in the world is
- Palam Airport
- Indira Gandhi International Airport
- Cochin International Airport
- King Khalid International Airport
Answer and Explanation
Answer: D
Not available