
General Knowledge MCQ Set 76

Showing question 376 to 380 of total 429 MCQs

MCQ Set: 76

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 376

The influx of domestic sewage containing detergents cause nutrient enrichment in water bodies due to the presence of

  1. carbonates
  2. nitrates
  3. phosphates
  4. silicates

Question No: 377

The member states of European Union are

  1. Belgium, Denmark, France and Greece
  2. The Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Ireland, Italy
  3. Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
  4. All of the above

Question No: 378

The height of the net in the center of the tennis court is

  1. 2 ft. 10 inches
  2. 2 ft. 11 inches
  3. 2 ft. 1 inch
  4. 3 ft. 2 inches

Question No: 379

The last or 13th NAM (Non-aligned Movement) conference was held on

  1. September 2000 at Jakarta (Indonesia)
  2. September 2001 at Cartagene
  3. September 2002 at Durban
  4. September 2003 at Kuala Lumper

Question No: 380

The largest airport in the world is

  1. Palam Airport
  2. Indira Gandhi International Airport
  3. Cochin International Airport
  4. King Khalid International Airport
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