
Sentence Completion MCQ Set 6

Showing question 26 to 30 of total 51 MCQs

MCQ Set: 6

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 26

Elinor ____ to counteract her negative feelings, but only succeeded in ____ them

  1. tried - allaying
  2. desired - ameliorating
  3. hesitated – deprecating
  4. hoped – mitigating
  5. endeavoured - intensifying

Question No: 27

While the world was ______ to the happenings in Washington and New york, America's political class was _______ by the attacks.

  1. watching, worried
  2. alert, concerned
  3. averse, excited
  4. glued, devastated

Question No: 28

This biography we are given a glimpse of the young man ____ pursuing the path of the poet despite ____ and rejection slips.

  1. doggedly - disappointment
  2. tirelessly - encouragement
  3. sporadically - awards
  4. successfully – acclaim

Question No: 29

While war has never been absent from the ____ of man, there have been periods in History which appear remarkably ____.

  1. archives - ambivalent
  2. posterity - serene
  3. mind - desultory
  4. annals - pacific
  5. life - belligerent

Question No: 30

Virginia Woolf _______ conventional notions of truth: in her words, one cannot receive from any lecture "a nugget of pure truth" to wrap up between the pages of one's notebook and keep on the mantelpiece forever.

  1. Anticipates
  2. Articulates
  3. Neglects
  4. Mocks
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