
Sentence Completion MCQ Set 4

Showing question 16 to 20 of total 51 MCQs

MCQ Set: 4

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 16

The _______ successfully repelled every _______ on the city.

  1. defenders, comment
  2. citizens, onslaught
  3. thieves, robbery
  4. judge, criticism

Question No: 17

His presentation was so lengthy and ______ that it was difficult for us to find out the real ________ in it.

  1. verbose, content
  2. tedious, skill
  3. laborious, coverage
  4. simple, meaning

Question No: 18

The people of Europe came to India _______ for riches, followed quickly by the desire to rule.

  1. Basically
  2. Fundamentally
  3. Primarily
  4. seemingly

Question No: 19

We can coax physical nature into ________ many of our wishes but we cannot ________ authority over it or make it change its ways one jot.

  1. granting, empower
  2. satiating, display
  3. satisfying, exercise
  4. stimulating, exercise

Question No: 20

They refused to ________ any more evasive replies and decided to resolve the issue within the _______ of the major.

  1. notice, eccentricity
  2. brook, jurisdiction
  3. bloom, indulgence
  4. suffer, fortitude
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