
Ordering of Words MCQ Set 4

Showing question 16 to 20 of total 31 MCQs

MCQ Set: 4

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Question No: 16

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
Oncee reluctant to be …….
A) seems to have
B) Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi
C) seen with Lalu Yadav
D) turned the page

  1. DCAB
  2. CBAD
  3. ADCB
  4. DCBA

Question No: 17

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
Stung by years of criticism that it has coddled …..
A) Wall Street criminals, the Justice Department issued new policies
B) to turn over evidence against their executives
C) on Wednesday that prioritize the prosecution of individual employees
D) not just their companies, and put pressure on corporations

  1. ABCD
  2. DCAB
  3. BCAD
  4. ACDB

Question No: 18

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
I would like to express…….
A) my deep acknowledgement
B) towards editing the manuscript into a visual learning tool
C) who dedicated a lot of time and effort
D) to the copy editor and the technical editor

  1. DCAB
  2. CBAD
  3. ADCB
  4. DCBA

Question No: 19

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
Seven Indians …..
A) feature in
B) Heroes of Philanthropy list
C) Forbes Asia’s
D) Ninth annual

  1. ABCD
  2. DCAB
  3. BCAD
  4. ACDB

Question No: 20

Preparing for a competitive exam..…
A) if the right strategy
B) and could leave you exhausted
C) could be very taxing
D) is not followed during the exam

  1. DCAB
  2. CBAD
  3. ABCD
  4. DCBA
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