
General Knowledge MCQ Set 49

Showing question 241 to 245 of total 429 MCQs

MCQ Set: 49

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 241

The founder member of EFTA are

  1. Austria, Denmark, Norway
  2. Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland
  3. UK, Austria, Sweden
  4. All of the above

Question No: 242

The first historical mention of the holding of the ancient Olympic Games occurred about

  1. 2000 years ago
  2. 2250 years ago
  3. 2500 years ago
  4. 2775 years ago

Question No: 243

The first Afro-Asian Games were held in

  1. Hyderabad
  2. Sydney
  3. Cairo
  4. Kuala Lumpur

Question No: 244

The first meeting of the SAARC was opened in

  1. Dhaka, Bangladesh
  2. Bangalore, India
  3. Kathmandu, Nepal
  4. Islamabad, Pakistan

Question No: 245

The General Assembly meets regularly

  1. once a month
  2. after every three months
  3. twice a year
  4. once year
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