
Science and Technology MCQ Set 44

Showing question 216 to 220 of total 301 MCQs

MCQ Set: 44

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 216

Indian Space Research Organisation and which international space agency are collaborating to make satellite NISAR?

  1. NASA
  2. ESA
  3. Chinese space agency
  4. Roscosmos

Question No: 217

Sloan Digital Sky Survey has created the first map of the bigger universe based on the position of _______.

  1. stars
  2. planets
  3. moons
  4. quasars

Question No: 218

Anti tank missile ____ was test-fired in Rajasthan in June 2017.

  1. Nag
  2. Agni
  3. Trishul
  4. Prithvi

Question No: 219

Where was the first case of conjoined twin harbour porpoises discovered in June 2017?

  1. Netherlands
  2. Australia
  3. US
  4. UK

Question No: 220

Sloan Digital Sky Survey has created the first map of the bigger universe based on the position of _______.

  1. stars
  2. planets
  3. moons
  4. quasars
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