
Critical Reasoning MCQ Set 1

Showing question 1 to 5 of total 13 MCQs

MCQ Set: 1

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Question No: 3

In order to reduce the number of items damaged while in transit to customers, packaging consultants recommended that the TrueSave mail-order company increase the amount of packing material so as to fill any empty spaces in its cartons. Accordingly, TrueSave officials instructed the company's packers to use more packing material than before, and the packers zealously acted on these instructions and used as much as they could. Nevertheless, customer reports of damaged items rose somewhat.
Which ofthe following, if true, mosthelps to explain why acting onthe consultants' recommendation failed to
achieve its goal?
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  1. The change in packing policy ledto an increase in expenditure on packing material and labor. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500CYRaub
  2. When packing material is compressed too densely, it loses some of its capacityto absorb shock. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500Cc46ds
  3. The amount of packing material used in a carton does not significantly influence the ease with which a customer can unpack the package. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500CfRuR5
  4. Most of the goods that TrueSave shipsare electronic products that are highly vulnerable to being damaged in transit. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500CiBhLq
  5. True Save has lost some of its regular customers as a result of the high number of damaged items they received Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500CkZqBf

Question No: 4

Wood smoke contains dangerous toxins that cause changes in human cells. Because wood smoke presents such a high health risk, legislation is needed to regulate the
use of open-air fires and wood-burning stoves.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument above?
Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500E59Re1

  1. The amount of dangerous toxins contained inwood smoke is much less than the amount contained in an equal volume of automobile exhaust. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500EGw1Bu
  2. Within the jurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation, most heating and cooking is done with oil or natural gas. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500EJSQy0
  3. Smoke produced by coal-burning stoves is significantly more toxic than smoke from wood-burning stoves Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500ELzZr3
  4. No significant beneficial effect on air quality would result if open-air fires were banned within the jurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500EOinyh
  5. In valleys where wood is used as the primary heating fuel, the concentration of smoke results in poor air quality Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500ES0fer

Question No: 5

An industry wants to change its policy concerning daily working hours. Currently, this company requires all employees
to arrive at work at 7 a.m. The proposed policy would permit each employee to decide when to arrive-from as early as 5 a.m. to as late as 10 a.m.
The adoption of this policy would be most likely to decrease employees’ productivity if the employees’ job functions required them to
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  1. work without interruption from other employees
  2. consult at least once a day with employees from other companies Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500FtqUqG
  3. submit their work for a supervisor’s eventual approval Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500FwML7R
  4. interact frequently with each other throughout the entire workday Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500FyP33k
  5. undertake projects that take several days to complete Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500G0PZoX

Question No: 1

Electricity would revolutionize agriculture according to a prediction of the not-so-distant future published in 1940. Electrodes would be inserted into the soil, and the current between them would kill bugs and weeds and make crop plants stronger.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that the logic of the prediction above is flawed?

  1. In order for farmers to avoid electric shock while working in the fields, the current could be turned off at such times without diminishing the intended effects
  2. If the proposed plan for using electricity were put into practice, farmers would save on chemicals now being added to the soil.
  3. t cannot be taken for granted that the use of electricity is always beneficial.
  4. Since weeds are plants, electricity would affect weeds in the same way as it would affect crop plants.
  5. Because a planting machine would need to avoid coming into contact with the electrodes, new parts for planting machines would need to be designed.

Question No: 2

The Maxilux car company's design for its new luxury model, the Max 100, included a special design for the tires. That was intended to complement the model's image.
The winning bid for supplying these tires was submitted by Rubco. Analysts concluded that the bid would only just cover Rubco's costs on the tires, but Rubcoexecutives claim that winning the bid will actually make a profit for the company.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly justifies the claim made by Rubco's executives?
Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500ArkqmW

  1. In any Maxilux model, the spare tire is exactly the same make and model as the tires that are mounted on the wheels Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500B9tHCP
  2. Rubco holds exclusive contracts to supply Maxilux with the tires for a number ofother models made by Maxilux. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500BCOr6G
  3. The production facilities for the Max 100and thosefor thetires to be supplied by Rubco are located very near each other. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500BEn6bv
  4. When people who have purchased a carefully designed luxury automobile need to replace a worn part of it, they almost invariably replace it with a part of exactly the same make and type. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500BIhQBY
  5. When Maxilux awardedthe tire contract to Rubco, the only criterion on which Rubco's bidwas clearly ahead of its competitors' bids was price. Read more at www.lofoya.com: http://www.lofoya.com/Verbal-Test-Questions-and-Answers/Critical-Reasoning/l1p1#ixzz500BmOs7J
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