
Coding - Decoding Tips and Tricks MCQ Set 1

Showing question 1 to 5 of total 50 MCQs

MCQ Set: 1

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 1

If SNOW is coded as 7100, then WALL will be coded as

  1. 5000
  2. 4700
  3. 4800
  4. 4000

Question No: 2

If MOUSE is coded as ONUFT, then CLOCK will be coded as

  1. MDOLD
  2. MDPLD
  3. NDOLD
  4. MDOLE

Question No: 3

In a certain language, CAP is coded as 66, how will PEN be coded

  1. 40
  2. 66
  3. 80
  4. 46

Question No: 4

If KEYS= MDAR, then LOCK= ?

  1. NEJJ
  2. NNEJ
  3. JENN
  4. JENJ

Question No: 5

In a certain language, TEARS is coded as 18, so how will be WATER coded

  1. 25
  2. 22
  3. 18
  4. 20
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