
Simplification MCQ Set 15

Showing question 71 to 75 of total 79 MCQs

MCQ Set: 15

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 71

On simplification, 3500 – (1000 ÷ 20.50) is equal to :

  1. 3451.21
  2. 3029.00
  3. 2993.03
  4. 2984.36

Question No: 72

If 2x +3y = 30 and (x+y)/y = 11/8, then find the value of 5y + 6x

  1. 72
  2. 58
  3. 64
  4. 29

Question No: 73

The timing of a college is from 12 p.m to 4.20 p.m. Five lectures are held in the given duration and a break of 5 minutes after each lecture is given to the students. Find the duration of each lecture.

  1. 52 minutes
  2. 45 minutes
  3. 30 minutes
  4. 48 minutes

Question No: 74

A bonus of Rs.2800 is to be divided among 3 people such that Alex gets twice as much as David, who receives one-fourth as much as Peter. What amount did Peter get?

  1. 1200
  2. 2000
  3. 1600
  4. 1500

Question No: 75

In a maths test, students were asked to find 5/16 of a certain number. One of the students by mistake found 5/6th of that number and his answer was 200 more than the correct answer. Find the number.

  1. 125
  2. 280
  3. 384
  4. 400
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