
Science and Technology MCQ Set 10

Showing question 46 to 50 of total 301 MCQs

MCQ Set: 10

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 46

What is the botanical name of the common durian?

  1. Durio acutifolious
  2. Durio carinatas
  3. Durio griffithi
  4. Durio zibethinus

Question No: 47

Scientists have found a way to develop camouflaging skin inspired by which species?

  1. Octopus
  2. Cuttlefish
  3. Chameleon
  4. Only a and b
  5. All of the above

Question No: 48

The collision of neutron stars yields which of the following?

  1. Birth of planet killing gamma rays
  2. Rate at which universe is expanding
  3. Creation of heavy elements like platinum and gold
  4. Only a and c
  5. All of the above

Question No: 49

Which program saw the launch of CSR for river rejuvenation through an interactive web page?

  1. Namami Gange
  2. National Mission for Clean Ganga
  3. National Mission for Clean Yamuna
  4. Yamuna Bachao
  5. Only a and b

Question No: 50

Which cosmic event has been detected with gravitational waves as well as light emanating for the first time?

  1. Merger of two neutron stars
  2. Merger of two black holes
  3. Merger of two dwarf stars
  4. Merger of two comets
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